Join us for talks from our Career and Early Career awardees. Submit your abstracts and register here.
Dr. Ernie Osburn
Assistant Professor
Dr. Angela Possinger – Early Career co-awardee Minerals, microbes, and moisture: Predicting soil organic matter climate vulnerability across spatial scales.
Dr. Ernest Osburn – Early Career co-awardee Assessing the effects of viruses on soil carbon cycling in contrasting ecosystem types.
We have extended nomination for awards until March 1. o Career Achievement Award o Early Career Research Award o Service Award o Student-authored Paper Award
Soil Ecology Society Biennial Meeting 2024 (May 20-22)
We are excited to announce that the 2024 Meeting will be held in Grand Rapids, Michigan!
Stay tuned for more announcements, coming soon.
SES committee chairs
SES is looking for committee Chairs to lead several subcommittees. Please contact us if you are interested in leading or joining any of the following committees
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Meet our 2022 SES award winners
Early career award: Rachel Hestrin
Outstanding student authored paper award: Ernest Osburn
Service award: Loren Byrne
For more information on our next meeting, please visit here
Late breaking poster submissions for on-site attendees
Abstracts should be less than 300 words, and include Title, Authors, Author Affiliations. Please name your file: SES abstract-(add your name here). Please submit abstracts to (Deadline: April 24, 2022).
Doing anything fun on World Soil Day (Dec 5, 2021)?
Meet our 2021 award winners: Andrea Jilling (Assistant Professor of Plant and Soil Sciences, Oklahoma State University) won the Early Career Award and Muhammad Fahad Sardar (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences) won the Outstanding Student-Authored Paper Award for his recent paper in Bioresource Technology
Thanks to our plenary speakers for their great talks: Loren Byrne (Title: Flipping soil ecology education upside down), Max Helmberger (Title: Soil invertebrates generate microplastics by fragmenting Styrofoam debris), Ilenne Del Valle (Title: Using gas biosensors to get the microbial perspective on communication in soils), and Esther Ngumbi (Title: Building sustainable and resilient agriculture: The way ahead)
Introducing our DEI Committee: Erika J. Foster (Purdue University), Aradhana Roberts (Lund University, Sweden), Si Gao (University of Montana), Olatunde Sunday Eludoyin (University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria), Francesca Cotrufo (Colorado State University), Matt Wallenstein (Colorado State University), Diana Wall (Colorado State University), Jennifer Krumins (Montclair State University) Lisa Tiemann (Michigan State University)
Introducing our Communication Team: Mahtaab Bagherzadeh (Kentucky Energy & Environment Cabinet), Jess Gutknecht (University of Minnesota), Jaron Adkins (Utah State University), Lucas Canisares (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory), Max Helmberger (Michigan State University), Yamina Pressler (Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo)
Introducing our Website Committee: Debjani Sihi (Emory University) and Steven G. McBride (University of Kentucky)