To become a member of the Soil Ecology Society, please complete the Membership Form (students must also complete and submit Section B). Membership dues may be paid by Paypal using the section below:
Note: Membership runs on a two-year cycle, because SES Meetings are biennial.
Note: Membership runs on a two-year cycle, because SES Meetings are biennial.
Dues may also be paid by sending a check or money order (US Funds, made out to The Soil Ecology Society), along with an email to the Treasurer of the Society containing your name, institutional affiliation, title, email address, and phone number to: Emma L. Aronson PhD, University of California, Riverside, Dept. of PLPA and Microbiology, 3401 Watkins Dr., Riverside, CA 92521 (emmaa@ucr.edu).